Power & Utilities

From local municipalities and power utility providers to Fortune 500 clients, we implement successful strategies to help our clients improve operational efficiencies.

Services Include

Clients Include

Featured Projects

Industrial Hygiene Services - Tennessee Valley Region
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

For over 22 years, we have partnered with TVA in providing a full spectrum of comprehensive Industrial Hygiene (IH) services across the Tennessee Valley region. Our IH services include air sampling to determine employee exposures to hazardous air contaminants (e.g., respirable dust, asbestos, metal fume, organic vapor, etc.) and physical hazards (e.g., noise, heat, electromagnetic fields, compressed breathing air, illumination etc.). We also evaluate the effectiveness of engineering controls and conducts comprehensive exhaust ventilation surveys at TVA facilities in support of TVA’s annual IH assessments.

Gap Analysis & Training - Multisite
Arizona Public Service
In support of Arizona Public Service’s desire to render a cost/benefit defensible management decision about pursuit of OHSAS 18001:2007 certification, we executed an OHSAS 18001:2007 gap analysis. We provided written and presentation reporting of major findings and three of our safety and health professionals conducted field walkdowns at Four Corners Power Plant to identify deficiencies. This Corrective Actions project included the development of an integrated safety management system description document (ISMSD), revision of Pre-Job Brief & Job Hazard Analysis Procedures, delivering three 2-hour WebEx training sessions, and revision of Assessing Risks Procedure and development of training materials.
Engineering Support Services - Small Modular Reactor Projects
Battelle Energy Alliance

We provide engineering services in support of the future construction and installation of the US Department of Energy’s Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Test Bed program. We provide mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering for the upgrade to existing facilities for the planned future deployment of SMRs. We also provide GIS and CAD support services.